Occupational Health Services
On-site desk assessments/workplace assessments
Musculo-skeletal conditions (msk) such as Back Pain, Neck Pain and Shoulder pain account for almost 31 million days of sickness absence per year in the UK (Office for National Statistics 2016 report). This equates to almost 1/3rd of all lost work days. Of these 8.9 million are directly linked to Work Related msk disorders or WRMSDs according to The report.
WRMSD’s are related to carrying out tasks which involve:
- Repetitive movements
- Fixed postures
- Use of small muscles such as hand/wrist
- Few rest periods or a fixed pace not set by the person completing the task
What can be done to help?
At JMC Physiocures we regularly complete On-site workplace assessments with a specific view to prevention of MSK disorders. Our unique perspective of having the knowledge and understanding of musculo-skeletal conditions combined with expertise in workplace ergonomics makes us a perfect choice for your workplace needs. These workplace assessments would typically include:
- Individual Workstation assessments including DSE (Display Screen Equipment)
- – Advice on self-management techniques such as stretching, breaks etc.
- – Advice on any alterations to current equipment
- – Advice on alternative equipment
- – Management of existing problems
- – Prevention of future problems
- Group Assessments
- We work with a number of companies and provide advice on manual handling, process management to reduce muscle strain such as on a factory floor, DSE compliance assessments and general health promotion.
- Health Promotion/Education sessions
- This can include group/individual talks, exercise sessions, relaxation techniques, information on management of back/neck pain.
- DSE Assessments
- By law all employers must carry out DSE compliance assessments for each employee working at a computer screen. We can help ensure your business is compliant and provide the education component which is mandatory rather than just a simple checklist. This can cost as little as £25 per employee
If you are interested in finding out more then please contact the clinic on 0333 355 0606 or via email.
Occupational Health Services both at your place of work or at our clinics
Musculo-skeletal conditions (msk) such as Back Pain, Neck Pain and Shoulder pain account for almost 31 million days of sickness absence per year in the UK (Office for National Statistics 2016 report). This equates to almost 1/3rd of all lost work days. Of these 8.9 million are directly linked to Work Related msk disorders or WRMSDs according to the report.
Quick access to Physiotherapy has been shown to reduce the length of absence and ultimately SAVE YOU MONEY Statistics from the hse/csp and our own internal audits have shown savings of £15 for every £1 spent on Occupational Health Physiotherapy.
We are able to provide a personalised Occupational Health Service regardless of the size or function of your company including:
- Quick access to Physiotherapy Appointments
- On-site clinics in your workplace to minimise time away from work
- Telephone Advice Line manned by our specialist physios
- Demands/Needs Analysis – Identify the physical requirements of any particular role and the ability of individual employees to complete this
- Functional Capacity Evaluations – identifying whether employees are fit to return to a particular role
- Ergonomic Assessments – this can include desk assessments but the principles are easily applied to any task
- Fitness programmes for staff
- Return to work plans for staff members requiring support to return to their previous role such as amended duties or phased return plans.
- Health Education – this can include manual handling, prevention of back pain, prevention of repetitive strain injury and any specific information for your business
- Psychology Support – Physical problems and MSK disorders are only one part of workplace health and Mental Health issues can be supported by our associate
- Psychologists
- Occupational Therapy – Occupational Therapy has a function orientated approach to work related problems
Detailed clinical reports with a focus on the demands of the job are provided for all of the above allowing employers and employees to formulate a clear plan to reduce sickness absence. We have specialist physiotherapists registered with ACPOHE and are working towards SEQHOS accreditation.
Ready To Book?
If you're ready to book an appointment click below to book online, if you'd like to ask us anything prior to booking we can be reached on 0333 355 0606 or via email at admin@jmcphysiocures.co.uk
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